Episode 13 – Howard Gardner Fireside Chat
Harvard Professor Howard Gardner led a fireside chat with participants at the 14th Annual Constructing Modern Knowledge summer institute, via … Read More “Episode 13 – Howard Gardner Fireside Chat”
Harvard Professor Howard Gardner led a fireside chat with participants at the 14th Annual Constructing Modern Knowledge summer institute, via … Read More “Episode 13 – Howard Gardner Fireside Chat”
Carla Rinaldi of the Reggio Children Foundation joins Gary Stager to discuss education, childhood, and her latest book, “In Dialogue with Reggio Emilia.”
On December 2, 2020, Harvard Professor and MacArthur Genius Dr. Howard Gardner joined Gary Stager and several hundred educators for a conversation about his new book, “A Synthesizing Mind – A Memoir from the Creator of Multiple Intelligences Theory,” and other topics.
The virtual Constructing Modern Knowledge Celebration on July 16, 2020 culminated in an Ask Me Anything session with education author, researcher, and popular speaker, Alfie Kohn.
Gary S. Stager, Ph.D. was the closing keynote speaker for the Virtual Maker Ed Unconference. Dr. Stager’s presentation and ensuing conversation was entitled, “Summer Camp Computing or Nostalgia for the Future.”
Sylvia Martinez welcomes back Constructing Modern Knowledge alumni from over twelve years of institutes to discuss their learning adventures at CMK and beyond.
Session #1 of the virtual Constructing Modern Knowledge Celebration Day featured a virtual faculty meeting in which the educators who make Constructing Modern Knowledge happen shared their favorite memories and projects.
This is a recording of the June 30th Ask Me Anything session with Conrad Wolfram, author of the new book, The Math(s) Fix, and Gary Stager.
Veteran school inventor Dennis Littky joined Gary Stager for an Ask Me Anything session on June 23, 2020.
Veteran educator, author, and MacArthur Genius Deborah Meier joins our June 11, 2020 Ask Me Anything session.